I'm an avid birder and nature photographer wishing to share some of my sightings & images taken while out in the "wilds" of Cape Ann and surrounding New England countryside. More images can be found on my web site at New England Birds Plus Enjoy, Phil Brown

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Odd Nest Location

I was poking around Ipswich a week or so ago and came across a Northern Rough-winged Swallow flying quite close to the ground in a parking lot off of the center of town. I pulled over to watch it for a bit only to have it disappear behind a port-a-potty.... I walked over and found this drain pipe a few feet off of the ground (just left of the port-a-potty). The swallow flew from the pipe as I rounded the corner.

I could hear young begging from the nest which was a foot or so into the pipe. I decided to leave well enough alone and come back every few days to see  what transpired. Well... about a week later I found the youngsters at the edge of the pipe with the parents ferrying food to them at a pretty good rate. Here's one of the youngsters waiting for it's next meal to arrive.

and now joined by its nest mates just prior to the adult popping by.

this is what the adult sees as it flies up to the pipe. That's a really great target for the parents to funnel food into.

and lastly a shot as the adult flies in.

1 comment:

  1. That nest is right down the street from my house which I found a few weeks ago. Its pretty cool. Nice photos!


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