End Of The Day Screech Owl - Essex, MA - Nov. 11, 2011
A Blue Jay alerted me to this Screech long before it sat in the hole of the box at the end of the day. Songbirds point out roosting owls to each other quite often, it's just a matter of paying attention to the sounds around you, picking up on their calls and then tracking down what has them all worked up. The Blue Jay was screaming at the box from 20' away at 10 this morning, just an empty hole at that time but later in the afternoon, poof, the cause for the alarm appears.
A brief video of the owl surveying it's surroundings on this windy afternoon.
End of the day lighting is always tough and these shots are no exception having been taken at 4:30pm. You can see the darkening skies reflected in the owls eyes in the larger version.
Such a stunning creature.