I've had many requests for directions to all of the Screech Owls I've come across this winter. I'd love to share all of them with everyone interested but most are either on private property or in such a poor location for viewing that I feel I'd be creating a traffic hazard by giving out more info. Sorry.
There is one Screech that shouldn't be too much trouble (traffic, neighbors, private property, etc..) as long as people use common sense when stopping to see the bird, ie: pull off the road out of the way of traffic, stay in your vehicle while viewing the bird, stop briefly so you and others aren't a traffic hazard and stay off of private property. PLEASE...:) Let's keep our viewing opportunities and great relations with the neighbors intact and oh yeah... no pestering the bird....
This would be the Corliss Brother's Screech Owl along busy Rte 133 in Ipswich. It can only be viewed from the east or Essex side of the tree, so if you are headed towards Rte 1A along Rte 133 and are approaching Corliss Brother's this would be the correct side of the tree to see the bird from.
It uses the top hole on the right all of the time as shown in the photo below and is sitting out on sunny, fairly wind free days. This is a late November to early March thing, it's not usually there other times of the year.
Screech Owls use roost holes like this through most of the winter months and roost in trees,either pines or deciduous the remainder of the year. The red morph Screech stands out from the surrounding colors when sitting in a hole and this is the biggest help to me when trying to locate them.
I hopes folks find this useful and enjoy this wonderful little owl as much as I do.
I'm an avid birder and nature photographer wishing to share some of my sightings & images taken while out in the "wilds" of Cape Ann and surrounding New England countryside. More images can be found on my web site at New England Birds Plus Enjoy, Phil Brown

This work by Philip R Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Comments & Question - nebirdsplus@gmail.com
This work by Philip R Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Comments & Question - nebirdsplus@gmail.com
New England Birds Plus Images on SmugMug
Thanks a lot, Phil!!!
ReplyDeleteThough they're common I'm told, this site may hold a lifer for me. I also appreciate your sensitivity to their lives.
Spofford, NH
Very nice pics! :>)
ReplyDeleteI have an occupied owl house in my yard, but am curious why other birds continuously bother the owl? Yesterday a robin and an oriole kept conducting flybys.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous, the birds in your yard are trying to keep an eye on the owl because it is a predator. Screech Owls eat a fair number of birds and that number goes up quite a bit when they are feeding young. I hope this helps, please leave an email address if you would like a direct reply.
Hi, just curious... Is the Corliss owl still there?
ReplyDeleteHi Jamie, no owl yet this year. I saw a squirrel sitting in the hole a few weeks ago which most likely explains the owls absence.